An Olympic Village that was developed with the hope that it will leave a legacy of accessible housing, area redevelopment, inclusion, and economic growth, fails to fulfill its promises a decade on. The private sector got the best bits, the taxpayer funded parts did not achieve objectives or provide a return, relocated residents remain outsiders looking in.
The political theater of a disgraceful leader's disgrace being paraded around (is there such a thing as liberal "red meat"?), potential legal jeopardy, possible criminality, CONSPIRACY! While the economy burns the common people. Who, to be sure, liberal or conservative (US designations), continue to vote against their own self interest or for their own self indulgence.
A small town in the midwest lurches, gently and slowly, from one denuded crisis to another. The health system is struggling, the economy is struggling, the people are tough but feel the struggle, common cause around common causes lost in the haze of individual responsibility.
And a child asks the hardest question, after reading something about deviance in a comic book for kids — "what is society?"
So, when the injustice of everything triggers you to the point of despair and silence, and when the most strident voices seem to be entrepreneurs of misery, well meaning, but eventually in it for themselves, and when investing in your body and self care seems pointless in the face of it all, and when you can't sleep thinking over life and struggle and how it refracts into the wider wold and how the wider world reflects in it, and you're up at 4:05 central time, and there is a state next door that unilaterally decides that daylight savings time is not for it (cos', er, they don't like it?), and and and... what do you do?
Write on it.
What else?**
* The capital, not the state, obviously. The state is kind of nice, in its own, way out, remote from everywhere kind of way).
** And consider if being with a child at museums might not reawaken some curiosity and wonder, instead of the other stuff bearing down to the point of becoming crippling.